Shadcn Tag Input
An implementation of a Tag Input component built on top of Shadcn UI's input component.
Install Shadcn via CLI
Run the shadcn-ui
init command to setup your project:
npx shadcn-ui@latest init
Install necessary Shadcn components:
Run the shadcn-ui
add command to add the necessary shadcn components to your project:
npx shadcn-ui@latest add input npx shadcn-ui@latest add button npx shadcn-ui@latest add command npx shadcn-ui@latest add toast npx shadcn-ui@latest add popover
To use the tag input component:
- Copy & paste tag.tsx
- Copy & paste tag-list.tsx
- Copy & paste auto-complete.tsx
- Copy & paste tag-popover.tsx
- Copy & paste tag-input.tsx
- Define your
component e.g. tag-input-demo.tsx
Choose from different visual styles like default, primary, and destructive.
Adjust the size of the tags.
Customize the shape of the tags.
Border styles
Choose between different border styles or opt for no border at all.
Text case
Control the text casing within the tags.
Define the interaction style of the tags. Make them clickable or non-clickable.
Add animations on render for tags.
Text styles
Customize the text style within the tags.
Enable or disable the autocomplete feature for the tag input.
Custom tag render
Replace the standard tag appearance with your own custom-designed tags.
Max tags
Set the maximum number of tags that can be added.
Allow tags to be dragged and dropped to reorder them.
Tag Popover
Allows users to view all entered tags in a popover overlay, offering easier management of tags.
Prevent tags from overflowing the tag input by specifying the maximum number of characters to display.
Clear all tags
Clear all tags from the tag input.
Allow duplicate tags
Allow duplicate tags to be added to the tag input.
Input field position
Change the position of the input field to be inline or stacked in relation to the tags.
Tag direction
Change the direction of the tag layout from row to column.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
placeholder | string | "" | Placeholder text for the input. |
tags | Array<{ id: string, text: string }> | [] | An array of tags that are displayed as pre-selected. |
setTags | React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<{ id: string, text: string }[]>> | [] | Function to set the state of tags. |
enableAutocomplete | boolean | false | Enable autocomplete feature. Must be used with autocompleteOptions. |
autocompleteOptions | Array<{ id: string, text: string }> | [] | List of options for autocomplete. Must be used with enableAutocomplete. |
maxTags | number | null | Maximum number of tags allowed. |
minTags | number | null | Minimum number of tags required. |
readOnly | boolean | false | Make the input read-only. |
disabled | boolean | false | Disable the input. |
onTagAdd | Function | null | Callback function when a tag is added. |
onTagRemove | Function | null | Callback function when a tag is removed. |
allowDuplicates | boolean | false | Allow duplicate tags. |
maxLength | number | null | Maximum length of a tag. |
minLength | number | null | Maximum length of tag. |
validateTag | Function | null | Function to validate a tag. |
delimiter | Delimiter | null | Character used to separate tags. |
showCount | boolean | false | Show the count of tags. |
placeholderWhenFull | string | "" | Placeholder text when tag limit is reached. |
sortTags | boolean | false | Sort tags alphabetically. |
delimiterList | Array | [] | List of characters that can be used as delimiters. |
truncate | number | null | Truncate tag text to a certain length. |
autocompleteFilter | Function | null | Function to filter autocomplete options. |
direction | string | row | Layout direction of the tag inputs. |
onInputChange | Function | null | A callback function that is called whenever the input value changes. |
customTagRenderer | Function | null | A callback function that is used to render custom tag elements. This function receives a tag object as an argument and should return a React element representing the custom-rendered tag. |
onFocus | Function | null | Function to be called when the input field gains focus. |
onBlur | Function | null | Function to be called when the input field loses focus. |
onTagClick | Function | null | A callback function to be called when a tag is clicked |
draggable | boolean | false | Enable drag and drop functionality. |
inputFieldPosition | string | bottom | Position of the input field in relation to the tags |
clearAll | boolean | false | Show a button to clear all tags. |
onClearAll | Function | null | A callback function to be called when the clear all button is clicked. |
inputProps | Object | {} | Additional props to be passed to the input field (for example autocomplete, disabled etc). |
usePopoverForTags | boolean | false | Use a popover to display tags instead of inline. |